During proposed cost saving measures, Tulsa Public Schools suggested cutting Nathan Hale's baseball team. The team, like many TPS schools, struggled on the field but proved to be a valuable sense of community for the players. Nathan Hale's Adrian Gastelum looks at a bug on Bernie Rubalcava's finger before a game at Nathan Hale High School. Despite the team's overall record, the players joke around and are relaxed before games.

Nathan Hale's Logan Rogers plays catch with a teammate while waiting between games at at Coweta High School. The team took turns playing catch, taking naps, and watching other games while waiting in between the delay.

Nathan Hale's Justin Wagener warms up in the bullpen before pitching against Skiatook at Coweta High School. Wagener, a freshman on the team, dreams of being a professional athlete or getting a college scholarship through sports.

Nathan Hale's Justin Wagener changes into a pair of football cleats before his game against Skiatook at Coweta High School. Wagener's cleats broke earlier in the season and he has played with a football cleats borrowed from a coach.

Nathan Hale's Adrian Gastelum and Christian Alexander relax in between regional games at Coweta High School.

Nathan Hale's Jared Rivera jokes with Bernie Rubaclava while having a team dinner at Golden Corral after their loss to Skiatook. Despite the loss, the team was in good spirits and joked around through most of the dinner.

Nathan Hale coach Blake Duncan sits in the locker room as players turn in jerseys and call their parents for rides at Nathan Hale High School.

Nathan Hale's James Haresty and Deandre Barnett sit in the dugout after an inning against Skiatook at Coweta High School. Hale lead after the top of the first inning but was not able to maintain the lead

Nathan Hale's Justin Wagener and Deandre Barnett sit in the dugout after an inning against Skiatook at Coweta High School. Hale lead after the top of the first inning but was not able to maintain the lead.

Nathan Hale shakes hands with Skiatook after their regional loss to the Bulldogs at Coweta High School. At the time of the game, Hale's baseball team was still under threat and this would have been the final game of the program.

Nathan Hale's Colby Grogan, Anthony Rodreguez, Joshua Helm, and James Haresty walk back to their locker room after a game at Nathan Hale High School